Bill Heid, Executive Producer
Heirloom Audio Productions
P.S. If you order online or by phone, you'll be sent a confirmation e-mail with the MP3 download information for The Cat of Bubastes.
P.P.S. One last thing: Here's one of my favorite quotes, "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." It's by Frederick Douglass and I think it embodies what I'm trying to say to you here. That is, it's my belief that if we take the role of active parenting during "the critical years" we can grow strong children with godly moral compasses.
And, it's also my belief, that the Henty books are a very good place to start. I urge you to at least give them a try starting with our production of The Cat of Bubastes. Remember, I'm shouldering all the risk. You're either satisfied or you can return The Cat of Bubastes within 90 days for a full refund (less shipping and handling, of course). Order now!
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